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10.03.2015  |  57 min  |  NRK2

Indias datter

Kategori: Dokumentar og fakta
Programinformasjon: Teksting

Britisk  dokumentar.  (Indias Daughter)

Den 23 år gamle medisinerstudenten Jyoti Singh ble brutalt voldtatt av seks menn på en buss i Dehli. Hun døde senere av skadene. Hennes fryktelige skjebne utløste sterke protester og gateopptøyer i India, og førte til endringer i loven. Singhs voldtektsmenn snakker ut mens de venter på å bli hengt. Deres verdier og tankesett speiler et skjevt patriarkalsk samfunn som ser på kvinner som annenrangs, og til og med uønsket.

This is the story of the brutal gang rape and murder in Delhi of 23 year old medical student, Jyoti Singh. From the earliest age, Jyoti wanted to become a doctor. But her father, a loader at the airport, had no hope whatever of affording her education. She persuaded him to give what little money he had managed to save for her marriage, to fund her admission to medical school, and she worked night shifts at a call centre, sleeping just 3 hours a night for 4 years. On 16th December 2012 Jyoti went with a male friend to see 'Life of Pi'. After the movie, they took a bus home. On the bus were 6 men. They beat her friend unconscious and gang raped her for almost an hour as the bus rode round and round the highways. After raping her, the men shoved a metal rod into her vagina and rectum and the force of its ejection pulled her intestines out of her body. Against all odds, Jyoti survived for 2 weeks, and died after 7 surgeries. Her ordeal sparked protests and riots on the streets of Indian cities and has led to changes in the law and the first glimmers of a change of mindset. The film examines the values and mind-sets of the rapists whom the filmmakers had exclusive and unprecedented access to interview between their conviction and expected hanging. It exposes a skewed patriarchal society in which an institutionalised view of women as second-class, and even undesirable, citizens leads to such heinous crimes against women. It makes an impassioned plea for change.



Anbefalt for klassetrinn



RLE Religion Livssyn og Etikk, Samfunnsfag




india, voldtekt, jenter, drap, holdning, hovedansvar, voldtektsmenn, tankesett, patriarkalsk, gateopptøyer, protester

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